Recently, new spaces are increasingly being opened, implemented under the gallery.
At the moment, galleries are looking for a new place to implement and are trying alternatives to White Cube.

Among artists and the art community, it is no longer important that it be done in a large art institution, minimalistic, according to all the laws of museum aesthetics. Everyone is in search of this new wave of gallery format alternatives.
The emphasis is shifting from the space to which certain requirements were previously imposed, to the curator, artists and public resonance.

In particular, a gallery in an underground passage was opened in Tbilisi,
In Berlin, media art can be viewed directly from the street in one of the galleries
In New York, the most advanced art city has implemented a gallery inside the house for a cat
In Turin, exhibitions are constantly held in the part of the highway tunnel where cars drive.
Media art works for Neo Shibuya TV aired on 9 billboards in Shibuya, Tokyo.

This project will be a modern look at the transformation of the gallery space, as well as spontaneous human interaction with art outside institutions and inflated expectations.
Art doing in the space where there is no media art. Suddeness is the key
Media Art
Main focus on video art from B-movies to generative art
Easy Changes
Main point on fast exhibition production
The gallery is a hybrid format that combines elements of public art, pop-up space and new media.

The gallery will look like 4 displays of 24 inches each, on which the visitor will be presented with videos of the work of media artists. The exhibition can be personal (all works by the same artist) or in a group. The curators of the exhibitions will be both invited curators and the gallery owner himself - Viktor Kudryashov .

The works exhibited in the gallery will capture various types of art that can be transmitted through the display, from B-movie films, websites and video art shot on a phone, to the most complex generative visualizations made using code.

A new formation in a busy cluster inside the arch, open to everyone. An interestingly chosen location will allow visitors to tune in to a more creative mood, and the monthly changing exposition will not keep art lovers waiting for their new heroes.
  • Regularity
    The exhibition is replaced every month
  • International Projects
    Due to the simplicity of implementation, it is possible to invite foreign artists
  • Curator choice
    Special artists are selected by the curator based on the concept
  • Technical issue
    It consists of 4 monitors of 24 inches each
The project quickly became interesting for the media. A large number of both Internet and paper media have written about the gallery and various exhibitions taking place inside. Moreover, the gallery is interesting for both publications for a wide range and narrowly focused media about culture, art and new technologies. The exhibition was also filmed for three different TV programs (pictured)

During the existence of the gallery, both group and solo exhibitions of artists have been held. Several projects initially shown in the gallery for the first time subsequently scaled up and participated in international festivals.
The gallery is also a regular participant of the gallery week within the framework of the St. Petersburg Curatorial Forum
Graffiti writers vs media art intervention
Change city
Change format